School is basically an institution for educating children. In other and clear words we can say an institution where instruction is given in a particular discipline. The first school began in the 17th century. This earliest school forced on reading, weighting, and mathematics with the passage of time lot of changes occurred in the curriculum and also in the system of education too. There are four types of schools in Pakistan.

  • Public
  • Private
  • Religious
  • Self-help school

These four types of private schools play an important role. In private school, a child gets a quality education in a healthy environment. There are many top schools in Pakistan which offer quality education and “American Lycetuff” is one of them. Private schools are better due to following reasons.

  • Class size in private school and strength of class matter a lot. They have a fixed number of students for admission which means that a child will have full concentration of the teacher and there will be no risk of getting lost in the over crowed classes when they need help or additional attention of the teacher.
  • Development of parent-teacher meetings. Private schools always involve parents in their children’s education Parents have more opportunities to communicate with teachers so that they can easily stay up to date about their child’s strength and wellness too.
  • This is an era of technology and private school brings technology in the classroom child learn more when he watches when he hears it’s, in fact, an additional learning tool.
  • In private school, there is a great level of supervision as there is a great teacher to student ratio so any miscount is caught quickly and resolved, in other words, every action of students is under observation here a teacher also forces the accuracy of the students too.


The private school curriculum is individualized. Here the curriculum meets the need of students the teacher use different teaching technique to capture students’ interests and improve their shortcoming. So in short private schools encourage the emotional and social growth of child. Now people in search best school in Pakistan and there are numerous schools which are considered the top schools in Pakistan. Be a part of “American Lycetuff” and make your child future bright. We are offering a innovative, caring, creative, stress free and melodious learning environment for children. We have always thought that both teachers and parents play a significant role in the development and growth of a child and it’s only through open communication. Admissions are open now for the session 2022-23.


Written By: Fatima Bharwana